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BVAC Newsletter
community outreach

BVAC Outreach Activities

BVAC members continued to share their knowledge of astronomy with local schools and summer camp participants. Members set up telescopes with solar filters for daytime activities and focused on the moon, stars, and planets once the sun disappeared.

July 13, 2019

Ringer Library Star Party

Even scattered showers couldn't dampen the star party at Ringer Library in College Station. Rain was falling but subsided in the evening and the community star party was set to blast off for a great evening of observing. Approximately 100 people attended the event and the visitors had lots of questions about the objects they were seeing in the night sky.

The evening telescope workshop started under a covered patio so rain did not put a hold on this part of the program. Displays were set up inside the library and there was plenty of activities to keep early visitors busy. By the time the rain was over, it was time to head out into the parking lot to let visitors look at the night sky through telescopes.

Warren Bracewell, Ginger Wentrcek, Tom Campbell, Tim Cowden, and Juliana Campbell represented the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club.

Read more about the evening here.

Ringer Library Community Outreach
L-R: Warren Bracewell, Ginger Wentrcek, Tom Campbell, Juliana Campbell
Ringer Library Community Outreach
Tom and Warren assist young astronomer setting up her telescope
Ringer Library Community Outreach
A future astronaut is ready for a spacewalk.

Ringer Library Community Outreach
Tom Campbell sets up his telescope in the viewing area.
Ringer Library Community Outreach
Warren Bracewell sets up his telescope in the viewing area.
Ringer Library Community Outreach
Tim Cowden sets up his telescope in front of the Ringer Library.

July 8, 11, 15, 18, 2019

McNair Cub Scout Camp Stargazing

We were invited to bring telescopes and help inspire boy scouts at the McNair Cub Scout Camp on four separate evenings in July. Between 20-40 scouts, camp staff and parents were present on each night. Clouds were also present during all four nights, but only the first night was a complete bust. The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn were the hits of the show on the other nights. Thanks to Warren, Tom and Tim for helping out with these events.

Warren Bracewell at McNair outreach
Warren Bracewell assists students as they look through a telescope.
children observing through telescope at McNair outreach
Children enjoy looking through a telescope.

Bracewell and telescope at McNair outreach
Warren Bracewell and Tom Campbell set up their telescopes.
Campbell setting up equipment at McNair outreach
Tom Campbell sets up his telescope.