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BVAC Newsletter
Observer update-request for articles

BVAC Website and Newsletter Update

What's New on the BVAC Website

  • A site map has been added to the website since its initial launch. The site map lists all of the articles, broken down by subject matter, from all of the newsletters (past and present) and from the website. If you are looking for an article but can't remember where you saw it, look for the subject on the site map page, click the link, and you will be taken directly to the article.
  • Derek Kuhl generated constellation maps for your observing sessions in the Bryan-College Station area. Just click on the map that matches the day you are observing and a large pdf map will open. The map can be printed and taken to the field for easy reference.
  • Texas is blessed with many great state parks, some of which are perfect for stargazing while others are not. Before you head out to one of the parks to observe the sky, check out the bortle rating for each park.
  • Tom Campbell came up with a great idea to include links to BVAC members' astronomy-related websites. They are now included on the Links page of the BVAC website. Be sure to check these out. If you have a website that is astronomy-related and would like to have it added to this section, send Ginger a link and she will get it added to the list.
  • Brazos Valley Astronomy Club bylaws are posted.

Request for Articles for the Observer

The next Observer will be released on July 1, and articles and photographs are requested for publication. We are a small club, and participation will be sincerely appreciated.

The Observer is published 4 times per year:

  • Winter - January 1
  • Spring - April 1
  • Summer - July 1
  • Fall - October 1

We have commitments for continuing articles from Randy (astrophotography) and Tom (seasonal observing targets). Mark has volunteered to write an article about Algol for the fall edition.

Perhaps you have given a presentation to our club or some other organization. You might take your notes and turn them into an article for publication in the Observer. Members who missed the meeting, or other Observer readers, would be able to read about your presentation.

If you are interested in contributing, please write your article in a Word document, send it to Ginger, and she will take it from there. Photos can be sent as attachments.

THANK YOU to all who have contributed articles and photos to the newsletters. Some members have even written more than one article per edition.

Contact Ginger for more information. You can reach her at the following email address: ginger2w at

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