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Newspaper Clippings From the Past

By Tim Cowden

Two newspaper clippings dating back to 1910 and 1939 tell about a meteorite lecture and a new comet sighting in Bryan-College Station, TX. The comet article was printed in 1910 in The Houston Daily Post newspaper and describes a new comet that was seen in the skies over College Station, TX. The 1939 article, printed in The Battalion newspaper, tells about a meteorite lecture that will be presented by Oscar Monning in what was once the Petroleum-Geology building on the Texas A&M campus.

The Houston Daily Post
January 22, 1910

top part of newspaper clipping about a new comet bottom part of newspaper clipping about ma new comet

The Battalion
February 24, 1939

top part of newspaper clipping about meteorite lecture bottom part of newspaper clipping about meteorite lecture

Tim Cowden in his workshop

About the Author:
Tim Cowden works for Texas A&M University as part of the operations staff of The Cyclotron Institute. He makes telescopes in his spare time from the junk he has accumulated over the years.


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