Brazos Valley Astronomy Club masthead


Andromeda (M31)    Photo by Randy Light, M.D.

Brazos Valley Astronomy Club

Members of the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club are an enthusiastic group of amateur stargazers who live in and around Bryan and College Station in the Brazos Valley of Texas. The talents of the members range from purely observational astronomy to planetary and deep sky observation and photography.

Why do we gaze at the heavens? For some of us, it is the thrill of the hunt for that faint object. For others, it is the satisfaction gained by creating that perfect image. Some find the most joy in sharing the beauties of the sky with newcomers to the heavens, and others just enjoy a few quiet hours under a dark sky. Whatever your reason for wanting to gaze at the stars, we invite you to join the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club.

The purpose of the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club is to provide astronomical education, recreation, and research for its members and the public by inviting guest speakers to talk about astronomy and astrophysics. After the club meetings, when the skies are clear, members set up telescopes for stargazing and share their view into the vast vacuum of the night sky, hundreds of light years away. Brazos Valley Astronomy Club members are also eligible to attend star parties at different times throughout the year.

Come with us and explore the universe
Brazos Valley Astronomy Club

Please Join Us For Our Next Meeting

Monthly meetings are held the third Friday of each month at 7:30 p.m.

Oct. 18, 2024 Meeting
Location: TAMU Physics Teaching Observatory Classroom
Address: Fishtank Road, College Station, TX
Time: 7:30 pm
Speaker: Randy Light, M.D.
Topic: Wide Field Astrophotography With a DSLR/Mirrorless Camera
Program Abstract: Multiple types of wide field astrophotography images will be discussed and illustrated. Software to control the camera, a telescope mount, and process the images will also be reviewed.

The GENERAL PUBLIC is invited.

Click the button below for more details about our monthly meetings and

Monthly Meeting Time/Location
Meeting Program Information
2024 Meeting Dates

How To Become a Member

Membership dues for the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club are being accepted for the 2023-2024 year.

Click the button below for more information about paying dues to become a member of the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club.

How to Join
How to Pay Dues

Still have a question?

General Questions


The Brazos Valley Astronomy Club provides astronomy programs for public groups and organizations. Contact Tom Campbell, Outreach Coordinator, for more information.

List of Outreach Activities, Dates, Times, Locations

Program Request



The Brazos Valley Astronomy Club is a non-profit group promoting astronomy and related science as a hobby for people of all ages in the Brazos Valley. We especially enjoy getting out to dark sky locations and really going deep, and our star parties are generally scheduled around the new moon.

In the quest to understand and explore the solar system, galaxies, and the universe, members of the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club can

  • attend monthly meetings and hear speakers
  • attend observing sessions after meetings
  • attend star parties
  • participate in community outreach programs
  • receive help with equipment operation
  • access club-owned telescopes

solar system planets and sun

The Stars Await

Hear exciting astronomy-related presentations and attend star parties.
Scan the heavens and learn about
deep sky objects and those closer to us.



Omega Centari (NGC 5139)    Photo by Randy Light, M.D.

Do you need assistance with your equipment?
There is someone in the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club who can help.

  • What is the best type of telescope to purchase? Is a used telescope a wise investment? What are the benefits of purchasing one type of telescope over another? These are important questions that experienced telescope owners can answer and help you make the right decision for your observing purposes.
  • Additionally, some members set up their telescopes to be used for observing sessions that are held after the meetings; this would be the perfect opportunity to check out different types of telescopes, both large and small.
  • Do you already have your equipment, but need help learning to use it properly? There are current members who are willing to get your started on your astronomy-related observing journey.

meteor shower celestial event


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constellation map


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dark sky map


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Astronomer's Forecast

Click the image below to see a current daily weather forecast, provided by Clear Dark Sky.



The Milky Way graces the heavens on a summer night in West Texas, where the skies are still dark and light pollution does not wash out the night sky.    
Photo by Randy Light, M.D.

The Brazos Valley Astronomy Club is organized and operates within the guidelines and exclusively for the purposes described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No commercial enterprise or candidate for public office shall be endorsed by the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club. Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its officers in their official capacities shall be used in any connection, partisan, nor their sectarian interest.

Illustrated letters in Brazos Valley Astronomy Club