Section 1. Name
The organization shall be known as the Brazos Valley Astronomy Club, hereinafter referred to as BVAC.
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose of the BVAC shall be to provide astronomical education, recreation, and research for its members and the public.
Section 3. Status
The BVAC is a non-profit group promoting astronomy and related science as a hobby for people of all ages in the Brazos Valley. BVAC is organized and operated within the guidelines and exclusively for the purposes described in Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 4. Statement on Endorsements
No candidate for public office shall be endorsed by the BVAC. Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its officers in their official capacities shall be used in any connection, partisan, nor their sectarian interest.
Section 1. Time and Place
The regular meetings of the BVAC shall be held monthly, at least 8 times per year, at a regular day and time agreed upon by vote of the Executive Committee at the beginning of the fiscal year. If a holiday occurs at the time of the regularly scheduled meeting of BVAC the President shall set a meeting time.
Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the BVAC may be called at any time by the President or by a majority of the officers.
Section 3: Open Meetings
All meetings of the membership and the officers shall be open to the public.
Section 1. Definition
Five (5) members, including two (2) officers shall constitute a quorum to carry official business at any meeting of the membership.
Section 1. Timing
Election of officers shall be the first order of business at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the fiscal year meeting of the membership. Officers shall be elected from the membership.
Section 2. Term of Office
Term of office for all officers shall be one year.
Section 3. List of Officers
Officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Outreach Coordinator.
Section 4. Balloting
Each member shall have one vote. A majority of those voting shall decide the election.
Section 5. Vote definition and eligibility
Active individual members shall have one vote and active family memberships may have up to two votes. Inactive members are not eligible to vote.
Section 6. Assumption of Office
Elected officers shall assume office on the first day of the new fiscal year.
Section 7.Resignation
An officer may resign his or her office by submitting a written resignation to the president or vice-president, if the president is resigning.
Section 8.Removal from Office
An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the full membership or a unanimous vote of the other members of the Executive committee.
Section 9. Filling of vacancies
In case of resignation or vacancy of one or more officers, a special election shall be called by the officers for the purpose of filing said vacancy or vacancies at the next regular scheduled meeting of the membership. The officer elected during the special election shall assume office immediately upon conclusion of the election.
Section 1. President
The President shall conduct meetings and represent BVAC to other bodies, public and private, as may be required. Any agreements made by the President on behalf of BVAC are subject to the advice and consent of the membership. The President shall prepare the current meeting agenda at all meetings.
Section 2. Vice President
The Vice President shall conduct meetings and represent BVAC in the absence of the President.
Section 3. Secretary
The secretary shall record and keep on file all minutes of meetings, and shall prepare and distribute copies of the previous meetings minutes. The Secretary shall keep on file all meeting minutes and reports of the officers to the membership. The Secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining a list of members and their contact information.
Section 4. Outreach Coordinator
The Outreach Coordinator shall be responsible for dissemination of information to the members and public. These duties shall also include public announcements, coordinated with the Vice President.
Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have fiduciary responsibility for BVAC funds and assets and shall be responsible for the depositing of such funds. The Treasurer shall present a current report of finances of BVAC quarterly, and shall prepare other financial reports at the officers request and as required by relevant government agencies. The Treasurer shall also keep a quarterly updated list of the physical assets of BVAC and their location. The Treasurer shall give a quarterly membership report showing active and inactive members.
Section 6. Pro-tem
In the event that any officers of the corporation are temporarily unable to perform their regular duties, the President, with the consent of the Executive committee, may designate members to fill those offices pro tem.
Section 1. Composition and tenure
The Executive Committee shall consist of all the current elected officers, the immediate past President, and chairs of the standing committees. At the first meeting of the fiscal year, all newly appointed chairs shall be confirmed by the elected officers. The immediate past president may serve as long as his successor remains in office. All elected officers shall serve until the close of the fiscal year following the annual meeting in which the election takes place, or to the election of their successors, whichever is later.
Section 2. Meetings and Procedure
The President shall designate time, place, and agenda for any meeting of the Executive Committee. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held quarterly. One-half the number of members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting shall constitute a vote of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may make its own rules for the conduct of the meetings.
Section 1. Eligibility
Those eligible for membership include those who subscribe to the purposes for which BVAC is organized and to which it is dedicated. The club shall actively seek members at all levels of expertise, from beginners to professionals.
Section 2. Becoming a member
One becomes a member of BVAC by applying for membership or by a majority vote of the officers. Membership dues shall be prorated quarterly.
Section 3. Announcement of new members
New members shall be announced at each meeting.
Section 4. Termination of membership
Membership may be terminated in BVAC for just cause, or by a majority vote of the officers. A member may also resign with written notice to the corresponding Secretary.
Section 5. Membership categories
Individual: A person over the age of 18 who does not fit the definition of student member.
Student: A person under the age of 18 or a person attending preparatory school, college, or professional school at least half the time.
Family: Two or more persons directly related to one another in a single family.
Senior: A person 65 years of age or older.
Sustaining: A regular member who has made an additional donation to the BVAC, stipulated in Article VIII: Dues.
Inactive Status: A member whose dues are delinquent for more than one quarter shall be moved from Active to Inactive membership status. The treasurer will notify the member and the club president when this change in status occurs.
Section 1. Date and dues payment
Dues will be payable at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Section 2. Proration of dues for new members
New members joining after the start of the fiscal year shall pay dues prorated quarterly. Those joining after the start of the fiscal year, but within the first quarter, shall pay 75% of regular dues; within the second quarter, 50% of regular dues; within the third quarter, 25% of regular dues; and within the fourth quarter, new membership shall be free of charge until the beginning of the next fiscal year.
Section 3. Amendment of dues
Amendment of dues requires the approval of a majority of members.
Section 4. Dues by membership classes
Section 1. Fiscal year and budgets
The fiscal year of the BVAC begins on October 1st of a given year and ends on September 30th of the next.
Section 2. Budget
As promptly as possible after the start of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall prepare a budget for that year, for approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Receipts and Disbursements
Members and sub-units of BVAC who collect and/or disburse funds in connection with BVAC activities shall account for those funds in a manner prescribed by the Treasurer.
Section 4. Incurring of expenses
No member or sub-unit of BVAC shall incur any expenses or financial liability in the name of BVAC, except as provided for in the approved budget for the current year or specifically approved by the Executive Committee. No expense in excess of $50 not expressly included in the annual budget shall be incurred without approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 5. Signature Authority
The signatories of the depositories of the BVAC are the Treasurer and any other officer.
Section 6. Establishment of dues
Annual dues shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and voted upon by the membership.
Section 1. Introduction of amendments to bylaws
Unless otherwise provided herein, these bylaws may be recommended for amendment by the officers or any member. Proposed amendment(s), together with the time and place of the meeting at which they will be voted upon, must be given or sent to all members at least one month prior to such meeting.
Section 2. Vote on amendments
The proposed amendment(s) must be approved by two-thirds of the valid votes cast in a mail referendum of the voting membership. At least one month shall be allowed between the mailing and the counting of the ballots, and the Officers shall be responsible for all aspects of the balloting.
Section 3. Amendment of this section
Amendment of this article requires membership approval.
Section 1. Meeting rules
Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern the conduct of all business meetings of BVAC, except where expressly provided.
Section 1. Dissolution
BVAC may be dissolved upon a 2/3 vote of the membership present at a meeting called for such purposes, as hereinafter set forth.
Section 2. Notice
Written notice of a meeting for the purpose of dissolution of BVAC shall be sent to each BVAC member at least ten days prior to the proposed meeting, setting forth the day, time, place and purpose thereof.
Section 3. Disbursement of assets
In the event of dissolution of BVAC, all assets real and personal of BVAC shall be distributed to such organizations as are qualified as tax exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding provisions of a future United States Internal Revenue law.
Revised 31 January 2010
17 August 2007