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Green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

Green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) by Randall Light, MD

2025 Celestial Events Calendar

Use this calendar to help plan your observing sessions for major celestial events of 2024. The calendar and assorted links can be used by those who are setting up telescopes and cameras or by others who are stepping outside to take a peek at the sky with binoculars or the unaided eye.

Important Note: It's always a good idea to double check the date and times for your observing location.

In The Sky and Time and Date are two excellent sources to use when cross checking celestial events, and each site provides specific information for your exact location and time zone.

Be sure to check the Dark Sky Maps and Weather Maps to see if the sky is clear enough to see your targets.

You must click the location in the upper right corner of In-the-Sky and type your location and date to get accurate information.

The following links are courtesy of Dominic Ford's In The Sky.

Meteor Showers Source: In-the-Sky

Monthly Night Sky Events provided by In-The-Sky.

perseidsmeteorshower doublecluster stock2open cluster heartsoulnebulae ngc663opencluster

Perseids Meteor Shower, Double Cluster, Stock 2 Open Cluster, Heart and Soul Nebulae, and NGC 663 Open Cluster    Photo by Randy Light, M.D.